Ennstaler Polka with counter melody
Click on the note sheet to hear all the voices (Midi)

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By the example of the Ennstaler Polka I show here all three parallel voices and additionally the counter melody. Click on the note sheet, in order to be able to hear these voices (with bass company).

JavaScript is not functioning on your Pc? Click here to start the midi files.

On the sides "Volkstanz" I published this melody and/or "Griffschrift" without counter melody, and many other dances. There, and here, you can hear the Midi file with two voices without the counter melody.

Please click, in order to hear only the Ennstaler Polka with two voices.

You can hear the same Midi file here with three voices  without the counter melody.

Please click, in order to hear only the Ennstaler Polka with three voices.

If you want to hear only the counter melody, then click please here.

Please click, in order to hear only the counter melody.

With the Midi files offered above I adjusted the counter melody much too loud, in order to let it become clear. If you want to hear, like it to sound real could, in adapted volume, then you click please here.

Please click, in order to hear the complete Ennstaler Polka.


Nach oben ] 1st voice (main melody) ] 2nd voice (lower voice) ] Ennstalerpolka with two voices ] 3rd voice  (2nd  lower voice) ] Ennstaler Polka with three voices ] Counter Melody ] [ Ennstaler Polka with counter melody ] Example alternating bass ] Counter melody in fast polka rhythm ]

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